

Philip Mandelbaum serves as a thought leader on digital marketing and customer experience. These are recordings of his live and online presentations.


Thought Leadership + Client Work

Digital Marketing + Customer Experience + Employee Experience + User Experience

Philip Mandelbaum serves as a thought leader, journalist and keynote speaker on digital marketing, customer experience and employee experience. These are recordings of his live and online keynotes, presentations, interviews, and more.


Interview: Growth & Retention Director JP Kingsbury Talks Lead Generation and Conversion Optimization


JP Kingsbury, Director of Growth & Retention at Exiger, talks to CEI Lead Content Analyst Philip Mandelbaum about the intersections among digital marketing, sales, CX and relationship management; how to optimize lead generation and conversion, as well as customer retention and upselling; and what B2C and B2B businesses can learn from each other.


Interview: CX Influencer Con Cirillo Talks Empathy, Transparency, Consistency and Authenticity

The Future of customer Engagement SUMMIT, CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT INSIDER

A leading customer experience and digital marketing executive, Con Cirillo, head of CX for Carro, explains why cross-departmental collaboration and consistently demonstrating empathy, transparency and authenticity are more central to customer success than big tech investments or even data analysis.


Interview: Brindha Sridhar, Head of CX for MetroPlusHealth, on Customer and Employee Centricity

The Future of customer Engagement SUMMIT, CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT INSIDER

A customer experience “superhero” with nearly 15 years of leadership experience across CX, innovation design, operations, supply chain and product, Brindha Sridhar, Senior Director of Customer Experience for MetroPlusHealth, explains how to deliver on customer and employee centricity through digital transformation, non-siloed data collection and usage, and the prioritization of empathy, authenticity and consistency in all communications.


Interview: Shelly Chandler, 18-Year CX Vet, on Demonstrating Empathy Through Data


A leading customer experience strategist focused not only on monitoring and measuring data but catalyzing action within forward-thinking organizations, Shelly Chandler, most recently Head of Customer Experience for Delaware North, shares her secrets — with real-life examples — on developing and adapting your CX strategy; managing a successful CX team; the importance of data science to enabling empathy and personalization; how to create and measure KPIs and performance benchmarks; the keys to customer journey mapping; and overcoming silos to integrate customer experience, sales, marketing, operations and even employee experience.


Interview: Katherine Ketter, Head of CX for Health Partners Plans, Introduces ‘CX University’ and More


A leading CX strategist with 20 years of experience, Katherine Ketter, CDP, PCHA, Director of Customer Experience for Health Partners Plans, demonstrates what all businesses can and should be learning from the best healthcare companies, including customer journey mapping; “meeting customers where they are” and providing “trauma-informed” customer care; collecting and using data to better target, customize, personalize and demonstrate empathy in all communications; reconsidering KPIs (“keeping people informed and engaged”); training all workers on customer experience; collaborating across departments; prioritizing diversity, equity and inclusion; and “surprising and delighting” staff to optimize employee experience.


Keynote: Exercising the Power of Customer Data with a CDP


Today’s sophisticated consumers want interpersonal interactions with brands — across all channels, through every stage of the customer lifecycle. In fact, Google has found that 98% of Americans switch between platforms and devices in the same day, and 90% of all consumers expect cohesiveness in their interactions no matter where they are. So, how do you ensure your customers and prospects feel understood and valued? By demonstrating customer centricity through consistency, authenticity, transparency, empathy and personalization at every touchpoint. Of course, the only way to know who to target, and when, where and how to target them, is data, and data can be overwhelming for less technical marketing and customer service teams. The solution is a CDP, or customer data platform.


Interview: Why You Should Have Given Your Team the Day Off September 30, the #DayWithoutUs

Interview with Tiffany Flowers, Organizer, DayWithoutUs

A snippet from an interview with Tiffany Flowers, one of the seven Black women organizers of the #DayWithoutUs national teach-in, September 30, 2022, a day designed to demonstrate to business leaders what workers want and need, including covered abortion services, mental healthcare, work flexibility, and diversity, equity and inclusion.


Keynote: Every App You Need to Master Digital Marketing, Sales and CX

State of Marketing Technology Summit, Customer Engagement Insider

Implementing a 360-degree digital marketing strategy without the right tools is like a doctor (or an orchestra) performing without their instruments. Don’t disappoint your audience. Make your job easier — and their lives better — by implementing the digital marketing software that best meets your business’s needs. So, what are those needs? If you’re like most of us, it’s pretty simple: increase ROI by increasing sales and decreasing spend. Of course, as the old saying goes, sometimes you have to spend money to make money. And that holds true with any marketing tech investments: if leveraged as designed, their upfront cost can quickly be overcome by their ongoing benefits. The only questions that remain, then, are: Which types of digital marketing tools do we need? And how should our digital marketing tools work together?


Interview: Why There’s Nothing More Important Than Customer Data

Featuring Exclusive Interview with Ruben Ugarte, Author and Data Expert

During this 30-minute interview, Philip Mandelbaum, Lead Content Analyst, Customer Engagement Insider, interviews Ruben Ugarte, Data Expert, ActiveProspect


Interview: Why Elon Musk Bought Twitter, and What it Means for Digital Businesses

Featuring Exclusive Interview with David Greene, Civil Rights Director, EFF

"There's a potential that nothing could happen but also potential for great changes that would completely change the way people engage with the platform. I think for businesses, again, advertising might completely change. Also, the people who are on it, the audience that's on it might completely change."


Keynote: Why the Best SEO is User-Centric UX

Digital CX & Engagement Summit, Customer Engagement Insider

Gone are the days of cramming keywords into your content and sliding onto the first page of a Google search. SEO has changed. And though Google’s 200 ranking factors can be daunting, there’s no excuse for ignoring search engine optimization. In fact, it’s more important than ever — there are at least eight-billion searches a day on Google alone, and 75% of users don’t click past the first page of results. Here’s the good news: the most effective way to optimize your site and own the SERPs is no longer manipulating metadata; as Google Webmaster Trends Analyst John Mueller puts it, all you have to do is “make a good website that works well for users.” In other words, good UX equals good SEO.